This method logs a message to the diagnostic file, Diagnostic.txt in the Data subdirectory of the Stonefield Query program folder.
Log(Message as String [, Parameter0 as Variant,
[Parameter1 as Variant, [Parameter2 as Variant,
[Parameter3 as Variant, [Parameter4 as Variant,
[Parameter5 as Variant, [Parameter6 as Variant,
[Parameter7 as Variant, [Parameter8 as Variant,
[Parameter9 as Variant]]]]]]]]]])
The string to log to the file, with placeholders to insert the values of the other parameters into. Use {0} for the first value, {1} for the second, and so on.
Parameter0 through Parameter9
Values to insert into the message.
Return Value
This example logs the date/time and user name.
Visual FoxPro
SQApplication.Log("This was run at {0} by {1}", ;
datetime(), SQApplication.Users.UserName)
See also
Application Object© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 10/02/20
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