Stonefield Query updates and technical support are only available for those who have current software maintenance. When you first purchase Stonefield Query, you receive one year of software maintenance. After that period, you can renew your software maintenance for one or more years at a time. During the software maintenance period, you may install updates to the program and contact us for technical support. If your software maintenance lapses, you can no longer install updated versions and are not eligible for technical support until you renew your software maintenance. The About dialog displays the software maintenance expiry date.

Thirty days before your software maintenance lapses, you are reminded that your software maintenance will expire soon.

If your software maintenance has lapsed, the message indicates when that occurred.

Click Renew now to send an email requesting software maintenance renewal, Remind me later to be reminded again in seven days, or Don't remind me again so you aren't reminded again. If you click Don't remind me again and later change your mind and do wish to be reminded, turn on the Remind me when my software maintenance is about to expire setting in the Options dialog.

After renewing your software maintenance, you can tell Stonefield Query that you have done so by bringing up the License Manager, clicking Renew, and either entering the renewal code you were given when you renewed the software maintenance or clicking Online to have Stonefield Query check our server and update the software maintenance expiry date accordingly.

If your software maintenance lapses, you are not eligible for updates to newer versions. If you install a newer version of the program, you will see this message and will not be able to use the new version:

Do one of the following:

  • Click Renew now to send an email requesting software maintenance renewal.

  • Click I have renewed to display the Software Maintenance Renewal dialog in which you can either enter the renewal code you were given when you renewed the software maintenance or click Online to have Stonefield Query check our server and update the software maintenance expiry date accordingly.

  • Click Download installer to send an email requesting a link for the installer for the version you are licensed to use. When you receive this link, download and run the installer to revert to that version.

By default, your users are also reminded when their software maintenance is due or has lapsed. You can turn this off by setting the Support Maintenance Reminder configuration setting to False.

© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 01/11/16
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