A Join object contains the properties for a relation in the data dictionary. This object has no methods.


All properties are read-write.

NameData TypeDescription
ChildExpression String The aliased field name of the child field for the join. This is used for simple expressions and is empty if JoinExpression is filled in.
ChildTable String The name of the child table in the relationship.
CommentString The comment for the join.
JoinExpression String The join expression for the relation. This is used for complex expressions and is empty if ChildExpression and ParentExpression are filled in.
JoinName String The name of the join. In Stonefield Query, the name is usually the parent table name and the child table name separated by a comma (that is, PARENT,CHILD).
JoinType Numeric The join type:
  • 0: inner join
  • 1: left outer join
  • 2: right outer join
  • 3: full join
ParentExpression String The aliased field name of the parent field for the join. This is used for simple expressions and is empty if JoinExpression is filled in.
ParentTable String The name of the parent table in the relationship.
Version String The version number for the relation.
Weight Numeric The weighting for the join.

See also

Joins Collection | Relation Properties

© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 03/25/20
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