Contains the properties for a table in the data dictionary.
Please note that any changes you make to this item will only be saved in Stonefield Query after you call the Dispose() method.
public class Table : SQItem
Class Members
Member | Description | |
Alias |
The name of the table. |
Caption |
The caption for the table. |
Database |
The name of the database the table belongs to. |
DataGroup |
A comma-delimited list of the data groups the table belongs to. |
ErrorMessage |
The message for any error that occurred. |
Location |
The location of the table. This is only needed for Visual FoxPro free tables. |
OriginalTable |
The name of the main table if this is a subtable. |
Reportable |
True if the table is reportable. |
Roles |
A comma-delimited list of roles that can access the table (blank means everyone can access it). |
Schema |
The schema or user name for the table (blank for none); for example, "dbo". |
SubTableFilter |
The subtable filter expression if this is a subtable. |
UserDefined |
This property can contain anything you want to place in it. |
Version |
The version number for the table. |
Virtual |
True if this is a virtual table. |
Namespace: SFQWrapperAssembly: sfqwrapper.dll
© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 06/11/10
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