Manages the list of users authorized to access Stonefield Query.
public class Users : SQCollection, IEnumerable
Class Members
Member | Description | |
AddItem |
Adds a new User to the collection and returns a reference to the new User. public virtual object AddItem(string ItemName); |
Clear |
Removes all members from the collection. public void Clear(); |
GetLicenseCount |
Returns the number of licenses activated. public int GetLicenseCount(int LicenseType); public int GetLicenseCount(); |
IsValidUser |
Determines if the specified user name is in the list of authorized users. public bool IsValidUser(string UserName); |
Item |
Returns a User object by name. public virtual object Item(string ItemName); public virtual object Item(int Index); |
Login |
Attempts to log in the specified user. public bool Login(string UserName, string Password); |
RemoveItem |
Removes an item from the collection by index. public virtual bool RemoveItem(int Index); public virtual bool RemoveItem(string ItemName); |
Administrator |
True if the logged-in user is in the Administrators role. |
Advanced |
True if the logged-in user is an advanced user. |
Count |
The number of items in the collection. |
ErrorMessage |
The message for any error that occurred. |
UserName |
The name of the currently logged-in user. |
Namespace: SFQWrapperAssembly: sfqwrapper.dll
© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 06/06/16
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