Contains the properties for a user that has access to Stonefield Query.
Please note that any changes you make to this item will only be saved in Stonefield Query after you call the Dispose() method.
public class User : SQItem
Class Members
Member | Description | |
Administrator |
True if this user is in the Administrators role. |
Advanced |
True if this user has access to the Advanced Report Designer and certain pages in the Customize Report dialog. |
ErrorMessage |
The message for any error that occurred. |
FirstName |
The user's first name. This isn't required. |
LastName |
The user's last name. As with FirstName, this isn't required. |
License |
The user's license type: 1 = Basic, 2 = Ultimate, 3 = Viewer (for backward compatibility). |
Password |
The user's password (encrypted). |
Roles |
A comma-delimited list of roles the user belongs to. You don't have to add "Everyone" to the list; if it's omitted, it's automatically added. |
UserName |
The login name for the user. |
Namespace: SFQWrapperAssembly: sfqwrapper.dll
© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 06/11/10
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