Contains the properties for a logical database in the Stonefield Query data dictionary.
Please note that any changes you make to this item will only be saved in Stonefield Query after you call the Dispose() method.
public class Database : SQItem
Class Members
Member | Description | |
ExecuteSQLStatement |
Executes a SQL statement against the current data source for this database. public string ExecuteSQLStatement(string SQLStatement); public string ExecuteSQLStatement(string SQLStatement, Values ParametersCollection); |
OpenDataSource |
Opens the specified data source for this database. public bool OpenDataSource(string DataSourceName); public bool OpenDataSource(DataSource NewDataSource); |
Active |
True (the default) if the database is available to be queried on. Set this to False if the database should be disabled, such as if the database is optional and isn't available to this particular user. This setting is ignored for the main database. |
Connected |
True if the database is currently connected to a data source. |
CurrentDataSource |
A reference to the current DataSource object for this database. |
DatabaseName |
The name of the database. |
DataSourceName |
The name of the current data source for this database. |
DataSources |
A reference to the DataSources collection for this database. |
Description |
The descriptive name for the database. |
ErrorMessage |
The message for any error that occurred. |
MainDatabase |
True if this is the main database for the application. |
Quiet |
True to not display error messages; the default is False. |
Namespace: SFQWrapperAssembly: sfqwrapper.dll
© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 02/27/12
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