Stonefield Query maintains report, folder, and template definitions in a table called Reports.DBF. You can add or modify records in this table yourself using Visual FoxPro or the Visual FoxPro OLE DB provider, but be sure that each field contains a reasonable value or Stonefield Query will likely crash.

RECTYPE, a single-character column, indicates the type of a record. The values are:

  • R: report

  • F: folder

  • T: template

The ID column contains a unique ID for each record. The contents of the rest of the columns depend on the record type.

The following describes the structure of this table.

Report Records

Field Purpose
NAME The name of the report as the user sees it.
REPORTFILE The name of the report file for external reports (that is, Visual FoxPro or Crystal Reports).
REPORTCLS The class used for this report. It contains SFReportQuick for a quick report, SFReportXTab for a cross-tab report, SFReportLabel for labels, SFReportChart for a chart report, SFReportFRX for a Visual FoxPro FRX report, or SFReportCrystal for a Crystal Reports report.
REPORTLIB The library containing the class specified in REPORTCLS. This always contains either SFReports.VCX, SFRXTab.VCX, or SFRCrystal.VCX.
FOLDERS A comma-delimited list of the ID values of the folders the report belongs in.
DATAGROUP The data group used for this report. This is blank if you don't use data groups.
STDFILT An expression representing a "standard" filter applied to the data. This filter is not shown to the user and is ANDed with any filter specified by the user. An example is a U.S. customer report, in which STDFILT contains:

The user can specify any additional filter they want (if they don't specify anything, they get a list of all U.S. customers), but they cannot see nor can they change this standard filter. You can specify an expression that's evaluated at runtime by prefixing it with "=."

ALLOWFILT If this is True (which is normally the case), the user can define a filter for this report. You may set this to False if the report has a standard (STDFILT column) or saved (FILTER column) filter and you don't want the user to specify anything else.
ALLOWSORT If this is True, the user can specify the sort order for the report. You'll likely want to set this to False for any report that uses group expressions.
SORT This memo field contains XML defining how the data is sorted for this report. The XML has the following structure:
    <fieldname>aliased field name for first sort field</fieldname>
    <ascending>"true" for ascending, "false" for descending</ascending>
    <group>"true" if this is a grouped field</group>
    <order>numeric order value</order>
    <fieldname>aliased field name for second sort field</fieldname>
    <ascending>"true" for ascending, "false" for descending</ascending>
    <group>"true" if this is a grouped field</group>
    <order>numeric order value</order>
  additional <sortfield> nodes as necessary
FIELDS This memo field contains XML defining the fields used in the report. The XML has the following structure:
    <fieldname>aliased field name</fieldname>
    <heading>column heading</heading>
    <order>numeric field order</order>
    <fontbold>"true" for bold</fontbold>
    <fontitalic>"true" for italic</fontitalic>
    <fontunderline>"true" for underline</fontunderline>
    <alignment>numeric alignment value (0 = left,
      1 = center, 2 = right)</alignment>
    <format>format setting</format>
    <inputmask>picture setting</inputmask>
    <hposition>horizontal position; -1 for automatic</hposition>
    <vposition>vertical position; -1 for automatic</vposition>
    <group>numeric group number; 0 if not grouped</group>
    <chart>numeric chart number: 0 for values field, 1 for category field,
        2 for series field</chart>
    <chartorder>numeric field order for charts</chartorder>
    <chartinputmask>picture setting for charts</chartinputmask>
    <chartformat>format setting for charts</chartformat>
    <totaltype>first letter of the total type (N = none)</totaltype>
    <charttotaltype>first letter of the total type (N = none) for
    <forecolor>foreground RGB value (-1 = default)</forecolor>
    <backcolor>-background RGB value (-1 = default)</backcolor>
    <suppress>"true" to suppress repeating values</suppress>
    <groupcount>"true" to show count in group footer</groupcount>
    <fontname>font name (blank for default)</fontname>
    <fontsize>font size (blank for default)</fontsize/>
    <autofit>"true" for auto-fit</autofit>
    <newpage>"true" to start each group on new page</newpage>
    <resetpage>"true" to reset the page number to 1</resetpage>
    <descending>"true" to sort group fields descending</descending>
    <includeallfields>this element isn't used anymore, but is still present
        for backward compatibility; it's always "false" in
        new reports</includeallfields>
    <aliascaption>the table caption</aliascaption>
    <bookmark>"true" to create a bookmark</bookmark>
    <datatrim>numeric trimming value; 1 = word wrap,
      2 = cut off with ellipsis at end,
      3 = cut off with ellipsis in middle</datatrim>
    <memberdata><![CDATA[additional formatting information]]></memberdata>
    <usedefaultformat>"true" to use default format</usedefaultformat>
    <usedefaultformatchart>"true" to use default format for
    <groupononeline>"true" to include all fields in the group header on
        one line</groupononeline>
    <nototalsforonerecord>"true" to not show a group footer band if there's
        only one record in the group</nototalsforonerecord>
    <showpercent>"true" to display a "% of total"
        field for this field</showpercent>
  additional <field> nodes as necessary
COMMENTS Comments about the report shown to the user in the Information page in the Reports Explorer.
REP_TYPE The report type code: "Q" for quick report, "E" for external report, "X" for cross-tab report, "L" for label, "D" for a dashboard, "B" for a batch report, "C" for a chart, "G" for a gauge, or "Y" for Crystal report.
FOOTER Text to print in the footer of the report; this is only used by quick and cross-tab reports.
HEADER Text to print in the header of the report; this is only used by quick and cross-tab reports.
LEFTMARGIN The left margin (in characters) for the report; this is only used by quick and cross-tab reports.
DOQUERY If this memo field isn't empty, Stonefield Query assumes it contains code and executes that code rather than creating and executing a SQL statement for the report.
FILTER This memo field contains XML specifying the filter conditions for the report.
    <connection>The connection to the previous condition</connection>
    <fieldname>Aliased field name</fieldname>
    <operclass>Stonefield Query class used for filter operator</operclass>
    <values><![CDATA[<value>filter value</value>]]></values>
    <display><![CDATA[filter expression as the user sees it]]></display>
    <case>"true" for case-sensitive filter</case>
    <prompt>"true" for ask-at-runtime</prompt>
    <valuetype>type of value: "Value," "Fields,", or
  additional <condition> nodes as necessary
REPORTPROP This memo field contains additional information about the report, stored as XML. As an example of its use, information about labels goes in this field.
ONSELECT This memo field contains any code automatically executed when the specified report is selected.
ORIENTAT The orientation to use for the report. 0 means "automatic," 1 means use portrait, and 2 means use landscape.
FRXFILE Contains XML for an advanced layout report.
AFTERRUN If this memo field isn't empty, Stonefield Query assumes it contains code and executes that code after a report has been run.
SUMMARY This contains True if Summary was selected in the Options page of the Reports Explorer for this report.
SHOWFILTER This contains True if the filter is included in the report header.
BEFOREDATA If this memo field isn't empty, Stonefield Query assumes it contains code and executes that code before data is retrieved from the database.
AFTERDATA If this memo field isn't empty, Stonefield Query assumes it contains code and executes that code after data is retrieved from the database.
CREATEDAT The date and time the report was created.
CREATEDBY The user who created the report.
MODIFIEDAT The date and time the report was last modified.
MODIFIEDBY The user who last modified the report.
RUNAT The date and time the report was last run.
RUNBY The user who last ran the report.
TEMPLATE The ID of the template for this report.
OLDENGINE This contains True if the old report engine is used to run this report.
ALLOWDUPE This contains True to allow possible duplicate values in the report.
SNAPSHOT This contains an image: a snapshot of the first page the last time the report was run.
SQLCLAUSE Additional clauses to add to the SQL statement for the report.
EXCLUDE This memo field contains XML specifying the exclude conditions for the report using the same format as described above for FILTER.
HEADTOTALS True if group totals should appear in group header bands or False to appear in group footer bands.
DISTINCT True to add DISTINCT to the SQL statement for the report.
CUSTOMJOIN This memo field contains XML specifying the custom joins for the report.
    <jointype>right outer join</jointype>
AUTOFITTrue to auto-fit the report to the page.
WARNNOFILTTrue to display a warning if the report has no filter when it's run.
RECPERGRPThe number of records to retrieve per group (0 means retrieve all records).
AFTERPREVThe After Preview script for the report.
BEFOREOUTThe Before Output script for the report.
USEOTHERSTrue to use "Other" for non-top records or False to omit non-top records.

Folder Records

NAME The name of the folder.
FOLDERS The ID values of the parent folder of this folder.
CREATEDAT The date and time the folder was created.
CREATEDBY The user who created the folder.

Template Records

NAME The name of the template.
COMMENTS Comments about the template.
FRXFILE Contains XML for the template layout.
CREATEDAT The date and time the template was created.
CREATEDBY The user who created the template.
MODIFIEDAT The date and time the template was last modified.
MODIFIEDBY The user who last modified the template.

© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 01/03/19
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