The top object in the Stonefield Query object model. This is the same as the Application object in the Stonefield Query object model but had to be renamed since Application is an existing .NET class A reference to this object is passed to every event and data object script so the script can interact with Stonefield Query as necessary. User-defined scripts can access the SFQApplication class through the built-in SQApplication instance. Through the SFQApplication class, a script has access to every other object in the object model.
public class SFQApplication : SQBase
Class Members
Member | Description | |
AddProperty |
public void AddProperty(string PropertyName, object Value); public void AddProperty(string PropertyName); |
Decrypt |
Decrypts a string. public string Decrypt(string Text, string Key); |
Encrypt |
Encrypts a string. public string Encrypt(string Text, string Key); |
Execute |
Executes an application. public int Execute(string FileName, string Operation, string WorkingDirectory, string Parameters); |
GetDataSetFieldName |
Returns the name of a field as it appears in the data set for a report. public string GetDataSetFieldName(string FieldName); |
GetINIValue |
Reads a value from the specified INI file. public string GetINIValue(string INIFile, string Section, string Entry, string DefaultValue); public string GetINIValue(string INIFile, string Section, string Entry); |
GetProperty |
Return the value of a dynamically added property. public object GetProperty(string PropertyName); |
GetRegistryValue |
Reads a value from the Windows Registry. The value is looked for in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CompanyName\ApplicationName\Options" (where CompanyName and ApplicationName are the values of the Company Name and Application Name project configuration settings). public string GetRegistryValue(string ValueName); public string GetRegistryValue(string ValueName, string DefaultValue); public string GetRegistryValue(string ValueName, string DefaultValue, string Node); |
GetValuesCollection |
This method returns a collection that can be populated with values you can pass to the ExecuteSQLStatement method as the parameters to send to a stored procedure or you can pass to the GetValuesForField and GetValuesForParameter methods as the default values. public Values GetValuesCollection(); |
PromptUserForValue |
Asks the user for a value. public string PromptUserForValue(string Prompt); public string PromptUserForValue(string Prompt, string Caption); public string PromptUserForValue(string Prompt, string Caption, string DefaultValue); |
SetINIValue |
Writes a value to the specified INI file. public bool SetINIValue(string INIFile, string Section, string Entry, string Value); |
SetProperty |
Set the value of a dynamically added property. public void SetProperty(string PropertyName, object Value); |
SetRegistryValue |
Saves a value in the Windows Registry. The value is stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CompanyName\ApplicationName\Options (where CompanyName and ApplicationName are the values of the Company Name and Application Name project configuration settings). public string SetRegistryValue(string ValueName, string Value); public string SetRegistryValue(string ValueName, string Value, string Node); |
SetViewerLicenses |
The SetViewerLicenses method allows you to limit the number of Report Viewer licenses available to users. This is usually used when you have an unlimited Report Viewer license but only want the users to access a certain number of them (for example, one per license of your application they have purchased). public void SetViewerLicenses(int Licenses) |
ShowErrorMessage |
Displays an error message. public void ShowErrorMessage(string Message); |
ShowStatus |
Displays a message in the Reports Explorer status bar. public string ShowStatus(string Message); |
Shutdown |
Terminates the Stonefield Query session. public void Shutdown(); |
UpdateProgressBar |
Updates the value of the progress bar in the Reports Explorer status bar. public void UpdateProgressBar(int Percentage); |
ApplicationDataDirectory |
The path for Stonefield Query's data files, such as the users and roles tables. |
ApplicationDirectory |
The path for the Stonefield Query program files. |
ApplicationName |
The name assigned to the Stonefield Query project. |
CalledFromProxy |
True if Stonefield Query is being run from the SQProxy object, False if not. This allows your scripts to use different behavior, such as not displaying dialogs, in that case. |
CanEditReports |
True if the user can add or edit reports, False if not. |
DataEngine |
A reference to the DataEngine object. |
ErrorMessage |
The message for any error that occurred. |
Parameters |
A reference to collection of command line parameters that were passed to Stonefield Query. |
ProjectDirectory |
The path for the open project's configuration files. |
ReportEngine |
A reference to the ReportEngine object. |
ReportsDirectory |
The path for the reports files. |
SerialNumber |
The serial number for the current license. |
ShortApplicationName |
The abbreviated name assigned to the Stonefield Query project. |
TargetApplicationDirectory |
The target application's program directory. |
TimeZoneDesc |
Contains the descriptive name of the local time zone. |
TimeZoneOffset |
Contains the offset for the local time zone from GMT in seconds (it even accounts for daylight saving time). This can be used to display local time from fields containing GMT time. |
Users |
A reference to the Users collection. |
Version |
The Stonefield Query version number. |
Namespace: SFQWrapperAssembly: sfqwrapper.dll
© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 02/27/12
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