Provides the data-handling component for Stonefield Query. It contains a data dictionary, exposed to the rest of the application as collections of Database, Field, Join, and Table objects.
public class DataEngine : SQBase
Class Members
Member | Description | |
AddToFavorites |
Adds a table or field to the Favorites table. public void AddToFavorites(string ObjectName); |
AddToFields |
Adds fields to the SELECT clause of a SQL statement. public string AddToFields(string SQLStatement, string Fields); |
AddToWhere |
Adds a condition to the WHERE clause of a SQL statement. public string AddToWhere(string SQLStatement, string Condition); |
GetFieldsFromSQLStatement |
Returns an array field names used in a SQL statement. public String[] GetFieldsFromSQLStatement(string SQLStatement); |
GetTableFromSQLStatement |
Returns the table specified in the FROM clause of a SQL statement. public string GetTableFromSQLStatement(string SQLStatement); |
GetTablesFromSQLStatement |
Returns an array table names used in a SQL statement. public String[] GetTablesFromSQLStatement(string SQLStatement); |
GetValuesForField |
Prompts the user for the value of a field. public Values GetValuesForField(string FieldName, string Operator, Values Values); public Values GetValuesForField(string FieldName, string Operator); |
GetValuesForParameter |
Prompts the user for the value of a stored procedure parameter. public Values GetValuesForParameter(string Caption, string DataType, int Length, int Decimals, string Operator, Values Values); public Values GetValuesForParameter(string Caption, string DataType, int Length, int Decimals, string Operator); |
AppViews |
The AppViews collection. |
Databases |
A reference to the Databases collection. |
ErrorMessage |
The message for any error that occurred. |
ExcludeConditions |
A reference to the FilterConditions collection containing exclusion conditions. |
Fields |
A reference to the Fields collection. |
FilterConditions |
A reference to the FilterConditions collection containing filter conditions. |
IncludeJoinsInWhere |
Indicates whether joins are included in the WHERE clause. |
Joins |
A reference to the Joins collection. |
PerformJoins |
Indicates whether Stonefield Query performs joins, otherwise they are sent to the database engine. |
Tables |
A reference to the Tables collection. |
Namespace: SFQWrapperAssembly: sfqwrapper.dll
© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 03/25/13
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