A Report object contains the properties for a report. This object is returned by the GetReport method of the ReportEngine object.


All properties are read-write except Advanced, AskAtRuntime, BatchItem, EncodedName, HaveGroupedFields, ID, Records, ReportName, ReportType, and UserName.

NameData TypeDescription
AddGroupToFileName Boolean True if the value of each group should be added to the file name when the report is output to file or email; ignored unless ForEachMode is true.
Advanced Boolean True if the report uses an advanced layout.
AllowDuplicates Boolean True if the Add DISTINCT to SQL statement option is set to something other than "When filtering on a table not included in the fields list."
AllowEmptyResultSet Boolean True if the Run report with no records option is turned on.
AllowFilter Boolean True if the Allow report to be filtered option is turned on.
AllowSort Boolean True if the Allow report to be sorted option is turned on.
AppendFile Boolean True to append the output to an existing file (not supported for all formats).
Attachments String A comma-delimited list of attachments (besides the report) for the email.
AutoFitToPage Boolean True to adjust the font size so all fields fit on one row.
AskAtRunTime Boolean True if the report has any ask-at-runtime filter conditions, False if not.
BatchItem Integer Which report number this is in a batch report run.
BCCRecipients String The blind carbon copy (BCC) email addresses (separated by commas) to send an emailed report to.
CCEmailField String The name of the field that contains CC email addresses when emailing in "for each" mode.
CCRecipients String The carbon copy (CC) email addresses (separated by commas) to send an emailed report to.
ChartAfterEachGroup Boolean True to create a chart after each group or False to use one chart for the whole report.
Comments String The report comments.
CreatedBy String The user who created the report.
CustomJoins Object A reference to the CustomJoins collection for the report.
DataGroup String The data group for the report.
DisplayFilter Boolean True if the Include filter in report header option is turned on.
DisplayGridLines Boolean True to display grid lines in Microsoft Excel documents.
Distinct Boolean True if the Add DISTINCT to SQL statement option is set to Yes.
EmailBody String The message body for the email.
EmailField String The name of the field that contains email addresses when emailing in "for each" mode.
EmailSubject String The subject for the email.
EmbedFonts Boolean True to embed fonts in PDF output.
EmbedReportInEmail Boolean True to embed the report as HTML in the body of the email.
EncodedName String An HTML-encoded version of the report name.
EncryptPassword String If this property isn't blank, when the report is output to a file or emailed, the file is encrypted using this password. In the case of a PDF file, the file itself is encrypted; other file types are added to an encrypted ZIP file which is used as the attachment instead of the file.
EndPage Integer The value the user entered for the End page option.
EraseFile Integer True to erase the file after the email is sent.
ErrorMessage String The text of any error that occurred.
ExcludeConditions Object A reference to a FilterConditions collection containing the exclude filter conditions for the report.
Fields Object A reference to the ReportFields collection containing the field items for the report.
FilterConditions Object A reference to a FilterConditions collection containing the filter conditions for the report.
FilterDescription String The filter description for the report.
Folders String A comma-delimited list of the folders the report belongs to.
Footer String The unevaluated footer expression.
ForEachMode Boolean True if the Output each group as a separate file option is turned on.
GetEmailFromField Boolean True to get the email address from a field.
HaveGroupedFields Boolean True if there are any grouped fields in the report.
Header String The unevaluated header expression.
ID Integer The report ID.
Linked Boolean True if the report is being run as a linked report from another report.
Margin Integer The value the user entered for the Left margin option.
MergeFrom String The Merge From setting for Microsoft Word merge output.
MergeType Integer The Merge Type setting for Microsoft Word merge output: 1 = letter, 2 = directory.
ModifiedBy String The user who modified the report.
Orientation Integer The orientation: 0 means automatic, 1 means portrait, and 2 means landscape.
Output String The type of output for the report: "PREVIEW," "PRINTER," "FILE," or "EMAIL."
OutputFileName String The name of the file to output to.
OutputHeadings Boolean True to output headings to CSV and text.
Recipients String The email addresses (separated by commas) to send an email to.
Records Integer The number of records in the result set for the report.
RecordsPerGroup Integer The number of records to retrieve per group; 0 means all records.
ReportName String The report name.
ReportType String The report type: "Q" for a quick report, "X" for a cross-tab report, "L" for a label, "C" for a chart, "D" for a dashboard, "B" for a batch report, "G" for a gauge, "E" for an external report, or "Y" for a Crystal report.
RunBy String The user who last ran the report.
ShowFileAfterCreation Boolean True to show the file after creation.
ShowTotalsInGroupHeader Boolean True if the Show totals in group header option is turned on.
Snapshot String The snapshot of the last time the report was run (returned as the bytes of the image).
Sorts Object A reference to the Sorts collection for the report.
SQLSelect String The custom SQL statement for the report.
SQLClause String Any pre-fields clause to use in the SQL SELECT (typically TOP N).
StartPage Integer The value the user entered for the Start page option.
Summary Boolean True if the Summary report option is turned on.
Template String The template for the report (not applicable to labels).
Timestamp Boolean True if the Add timestamp to file name option is turned on.
UseOldEngine Boolean True to use the old report engine for this report.
UseOthersForTop Boolean True to combine all non-top records into "Other" category.
UserName String The name of the user who created the report.
WarnNoFilter Boolean True to display a warning if there's no filter for a report.


CreateOutput Outputs the report to a file or email.
GetReportFilter Returns the descriptive filter expression for the report.
GetReportFooter Returns the evaluated footer expression.
GetReportHeader Returns the evaluated header expression.
RunReport Runs the report.
SetOutputToFile Sets the output properties of the report based on the parameters passed

See also

Application Object | FilterConditions Collection | ReportEngine Object | ReportFields Collection | Sorts Collection

© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 06/07/23
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