The FilterConditions collection, referenced by the FilterConditions and ExcludeConditions properties of the DataEngine object and a Report object, provides a collection of FilterCondition objects, which describe the filter conditions (exclusion conditions in the case of the ExcludeConditions property) entered by the user for a particular report.


See Collections for a list of properties.


See Collections for a list of methods. Pass the name of the field for the filter condition to the AddItem method or set the FieldName property of the returned FilterCondition object. Before adding a filter condition, check whether the condition already exists or not by calling Item with the field name and seeing if the return value is an object or not.

Any changes you make to FilterCondition items in C# or VB.NET code is only saved after you call the Dispose() method, as shown in the sample code below.

Here's an example of a DataEngine.FinalizeSQLStatement script that adds a filter condition to a report if it isn't already there:

Visual FoxPro

lparameters toApplication as SQApplication, tcSelect
local loCondition as FilterCondition
loCondition = toApplication.DataEngine.FilterConditions.Item('Customers.Country')
if vartype(loCondition) <> 'O'
  loCondition = toApplication.DataEngine.FilterConditions.AddItem('Customers.Country')
  loCondition.Operator = 'equals'
endif vartype(loCondition) <> 'O'
return tcSelect


public static string DataEngine_FinalizeSQLStatement(
    SFQApplication sfqApplication, string selectStatement)
  FilterCondition condition;
  condition = sfqApplication.DataEngine.FilterConditions.Item(
  if (condition == null)
    condition = sfqApplication.DataEngine.FilterConditions.AddItem(
    condition.Operator = "equals";
  return selectStatement;


public shared function DataEngine_FinalizeSQLStatement(sfqApplication as _
    SFQApplication, selectStatement as string) as string
  dim condition as FilterCondition
  condition = sfqApplication.DataEngine.FilterConditions.Item("Customers.Country")
  If (condition is Nothing) Then
    condition = sfqApplication.DataEngine.FilterConditions.AddItem("Customers.Country")
    condition.Operator = "equals"
  End If
  Return selectStatement
end function

See also

Collections | DataEngine Object | FilterCondition Object | Report Object

© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 06/03/16
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