
Prompts the user for the value of a field.

public Values GetValuesForField(string FieldName,
	string Operator,
	Values Values);

Return Value

A collection of value objects. A value object has a single property, Value, which contains the value the user entered for the field value. If the user chooses Cancel rather than entering a value, the collection Count property is 0. Otherwise, the collection contains two members for the between and not between operators, up to ten members for the is one of and is not one of operators, and one member for the others.


The name of the field (aliased with the table name) to get the value for.

The operator to use; one of the following: equals not equals begins with not begins with contains not contains greater than greater than or equal less than less than or equal between not between is one of is not one of is known is unknown is blank is not blank.

A collection of values used as the default values for the dialog.


See also:

Class DataEngine

© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 06/06/16
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