The first time the user runs Stonefield Query, it prompts them to specify where Stonefield Query stores its data files. To ensure the user selects a valid directory, you can create an Application.ValidateCommonAppDir event script (see the help topic for that script for reasons why you may want to do that). If the directory isn't valid, the script returns False and a warning message is displayed to the user. By default, the message is "The application name directory is not valid" (where application name is the name specified in the Application Name configuration setting). However, you can change the message to anything you wish by filling in the Message for Invalid Directory setting.

This setting is only available in the Ultimate version of Studio.

See also

Application Name | Application.ValidateCommonAppDir | Configuration Settings | Message for Invalid Target App Directory

© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 06/01/18
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