The Execute method runs an application. You can specify an application name or the name of a file associated with the application. For example, calling Execute with a URL launches the user's default browser and navigates to that URL. This method is a wrapper for the Windows ShellExecute function.


Execute(FileName as String [, Operation as String
    [, WorkingDirectory as String [, Parameters as String]]]) as Integer

The fully-qualified path for the application to execute, the fully-qualified path for the file to open in the associated application, a URL, etc..

The operation to perform on the file, such as "Open" (the default if this parameter isn't specified) or "Print".

The directory to make the current one for the application.

Additional parameters to pass to the application.

Return Value
The return value from ShellExecute. Values over 32 indicate success and return an instance handle for the application. Some common values are:

  • 2: file was not found
  • 3: path was not found
  • 31: no application association

See for other values.

Here's an example, taken from the topic for linking to Google Maps, which opens a URL in a browser window.

Visual FoxPro

lparameters tcFieldName, tuValue
local lcLocation, lcURL

* If this is a "discovery" call, return the fields needed in the result set.
* The leading "*" means all of these fields are needed in the result set and
* the "action parameter" combo box should not be displayed. In that case, the
* first field after the "*" is the field to pass to this code for the "action"
* call.

if empty(tcFieldName)
  return '*,Customers.CustomerID,Customers.Address,Customers.City,' + ;

* tuValue contains the CustomerID for the customer the user clicked on. We need
* to use that to lookup the Address, City, Region, Postal Code, and Country
* fields.

  locate for CustomerID = tuValue and not empty(City)
  lcLocation = trim(Address) + ',' + trim(City) + ',' + trim(Region) + ',' + ;
    trim(PostalCode) + ',' + trim(Country)

* Append the location info to the base Google Maps URL and bring it up in a
* browser window.

  lcURL = '' + lcLocation
  SQApplication.Execute(lcURL, 'Open')

See also

Application Object

© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 01/02/19
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