If your data dictionary has a lot of tables and fields, the user may have a long list to choose from in step 2 of the report wizards. While data groups can help, there still may be hundreds of fields in any one table, making it difficult for the user to know which fields to select.
To make things easier for the user, turn on the Enable Table/Field Favorites setting. This has the following effects:
The Stonefield Query Tools menu has an Analyze Reports function. This function goes through all reports and marks each table and field used as "favorite." This "favorite" setting is stored in a new table called FAVORITES in the same folder as the project files are installed. This may take some time to run, depending on how many reports there are.
Step 2 in the report wizards has a Show Only Favorites option. If the user turns this on, the table and field lists show only those tables and fields that are marked as "favorites;" that is, those that have previously been used in a report.
See also
Configuration Settings© Stonefield Software Inc., 2023 • Updated: 06/03/16
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