A Table object contains the properties for a table in the data dictionary. This object has no methods.
All properties are read-write.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Alias | String | The name of the table. |
Caption | String | The caption for the table. |
Comment | String | The comment for the table. |
Database | String | The name of the database the table belongs to. |
DataGroup | String | A comma-delimited list of the data groups the table belongs to. |
Location | String | The location of the table. This is only needed for Visual FoxPro free tables. |
OriginalTable | String | The name of the main table if this is a subtable. |
Reportable | Boolean | True if the table is reportable. |
Roles | String | A comma-delimited list of roles that can access the table (blank means everyone can access it). |
Schema | String | The schema or user name for the table (blank for none); for example, "dbo." |
SubTableFilter | String | The subtable filter expression if this is a subtable. |
UserDefined | String | This property can contain anything you want to place in it. |
Version | String | The version number for the table. |
Virtual | Boolean | True if this is a virtual table. |
See also
Tables Collection | Table Properties© Stonefield Software Inc., 2023 • Updated: 03/25/20
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