This feature is only available in the Ultimate version of Studio.

You can create a private labeled or branded version of Stonefield Query by changing a number of configuration settings. This allows you to distribute Stonefield Query as your own branded product, so your end-users won't know it's Stonefield Query from Stonefield Software; they'll think it's something you've created just for them. This also allows you to sell your branded version for whatever price fits your business model.

However, it's possible the end-user may still determine that the reporting tool is actually Stonefield Query by the names of some files, such as SFQuery.exe and SQUpdate.exe. If you want to rename core Stonefield Query files, be sure to turn on the Rename Stonefield Query files setting and enter the "root" name used for those files when you create the project using the New Project Wizard. For example, if you enter "MyApp,", SFQuery.exe will automatically be named MyApp.exe and SQUpdate.exe will automatically be named MyAppUpdate.exe when the application is installed on a user's system using the setup executable created by the Generate Setup function.

If you didn't turn on that setting when you created the project, do the following:

  • Rename SFQuery.ini to something else (for example, MyApp.ini; this name will be used in the rest of this help topic for illustrative purposes only).

  • Create a text file named SFQuery.ini in the project directory with the following content:


    This file is needed only for Stonefield Query Studio and should not be distributed to your end-users.

  • Replace the names of RepMeta.dbf and SFScript.dbf in MyApp.ini with the desired names; for example:

      [Meta Data]
  • Rename RepMeta.dbf, RepMeta.cdx, RepMeta.fpt, SFScript.dbf, SFScript.cdx, and SFScript.fpt to the desired names.

  • Add the following to MyApp.ini to replace the names of SFConfig.dbf, SFConfig.cdx, and SFConfig.fpt:

  • Rename SFConfig.dbf, SFConfig.cdx, and SFConfig.fpt to the desired names.

  • Add the following to MyApp.ini, specifying the desired names for:

    • common functions files, replacing CommFunc.dbf and CommFunc.fpt

    • "is" operator functions files, replacing IsFunctions.dbf and IsFunctions.fpt

    • Advanced Report Designer, replacing SQDesigner.exe

    • IntelliSense application, replacing SQCode.exe, SQCode.dbf, and SQCode.fpt

    • update application, replacing SQUpdate.exe

    • news reader application, replacing SQNews.exe

    • code editor application, replacing SQCodeEditor.exe

      These files are not actually renamed on your system; these settings specify what your installer should rename files to when it installs them on the end-user's system (assuming you use the Generate Setup function to create the installer) and tells Stonefield Query the names of the files to use rather than the originals.


    Whether you made these changes manually or turned on Rename Stonefield Query files in the New Project Wizard, here are the additional steps to creating a branded version of Stonefield Query:

  • Use Stonefield Query Studio as you normally would to create your customized version. You'll likely want to specify different values for the following configuration properties:

  • Use the Generate Setup function to generate the installer for your custom version.

  • When the installer runs on the end-user's system, it will install SFQuery.exe, SFQuery.chm, SQResource.dbf, SQResource.cdx, and SQResource.fpt as files with the same root name as your renamed INI (for example, MyApp.exe, MyApp.chm, MyApp.dbf, MyApp.cdx, and MyApp.fpt) as well as renaming the files mentioned earlier to the names specified in the INI. Also, the license file generated when the end-user activates Stonefield Query has the same root name as the INI (for example, MyApp.lic).

  • Test the installer on another system to ensure all files are renamed correctly and that your customized Stonefield Query works as expected.

© Stonefield Software Inc., 2023 • Updated: 06/01/18
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