The GetINIValue method returns a value from an INI file. This method, along with SetINIValue, is useful if you need to store a custom value in an INI file and retrieve it for any purpose.
GetINIValue(INIFile as String, Section as String,
Entry as String [, DefaultValue as String]) as String
The fully-qualified path to the INI file. Pass an empty string for this parameter to use Data.ini in the Data subdirectory.
The section in the INI file where the value can be found.
The name of the entry to return the value for.
The value to return if the specified entry isn't found. Optional; if it isn't specified and the entry doesn't exist, an empty string is returned.
Return Value
The value in the INI file if it was found or a blank string (or the value of DefaultValue if it's specified) if not.
Here's an example that retrieves the location for the AR tables from the AR Location entry in the [Custom Settings] section of the SFQUERY.INI file for the project. If the entry is blank (such as when this code is executed for the first time), the user is prompted for the value and it's stored in the INI file. This code goes into the DataEngine.GetCustomMetaData script.
Visual FoxPro
lparameters toApplication as SQApplication
local lcINIFile, lcLocation, lnI, loTable as Table
lcINIFile = toApplication.ProjectDirectory + 'SFQUERY.INI'
lcLocation = toApplication.GetINIValue(lcINIFile, ;
'Custom Settings', 'AR Location')
if empty(lcLocation)
lcLocation = toApplication.PromptUserForValue('Location of AR Tables')
toApplication.SetINIValue(lcINIFile, ;
'Custom Settings', 'AR Location', lcLocation)
if not empty(lcLocation)
for lnI = 1 to toApplication.DataEngine.Tables.Count
loTable = toApplication.DataEngine.Tables.Item(lnI)
do case
case left(loTable.Alias, 2) <> 'AR'
case lcValue = 'Y'
loTable.Location = lcLocation
loTable.Reportable = .F.
function Main(Application)
dim Table
INIFile = Application.ProjectDirectory + "SFQUERY.INI"
Location = Application.GetINIValue(INIFile, "Custom Settings", _
"AR Location")
if Location = "" then
Location = Application.PromptUserForValue("Location of AR Tables")
Application.SetINIValue INIFile, _
"Custom Settings", "AR Location", Location
end if
if Location <> "" then
for I = 1 to Application.DataEngine.Tables.Count
set Table = Application.DataEngine.Tables.Item(I)
if left(Table.Alias, 2) = "AR" then
if Value = "Y" then
Table.Location = Location
Table.Reportable = False
end if
end if
end if
end function
function Main(Application) {
var INIFile, Location, I, Table ;
INIFile = Application.ProjectDirectory + 'SFQUERY.INI' ;
Location = Application.GetINIValue(INIFile, 'Custom Settings',
'AR Location') ;
if (Location = '') {
Location = Application.PromptUserForValue('Location of AR Tables') ;
'Custom Settings', 'AR Location', Location) ;
if (Location <> '') {
for (I = 1; I <= Application.DataEngine.Tables.Count; I++) {
Table = Application.DataEngine.Tables.Item(I) ;
if (left(Table.Alias, 2) = 'AR') {
if (Value = 'Y') {
Table.Location = Location ;
else {
Table.Reportable = false ;
public static bool DataEngine_GetCustomMetaData(SFQApplication sfqApplication)
string iniFile = sfqApplication.ProjectDirectory + "SFQUERY.INI";
string location = sfqApplication.GetINIValue(iniFile, "Custom Settings",
"AR Location");
string value = sfqApplication.GetRegistryValue("AR Data");
if(location == String.Empty)
location = sfqApplication.PromptUserForValue("Location of AR Tables");
sfqApplication.SetINIValue(iniFile, "Custom Settings", "AR Location", location);
if(location != String.Empty)
foreach(Table table in sfqApplication.DataEngine.Tables)
if (table.Alias.Substring(0, 2) == "AR")
if (value == "Y")
table.Location = location;
table.Reportable = false;
return true;
public shared function DataEngine_GetCustomMetaData(sfqApplication as SFQApplication)
as Boolean
Dim iniFile As String = sfqApplication.ProjectDirectory + "SFQUERY.INI"
Dim location As String = sfqApplication.GetINIValue(iniFile, "Custom Settings",
"AR Location")
Dim value As String = sfqApplication.GetRegistryValue("AR Data")
If location = String.Empty Then
location = sfqApplication.PromptUserForValue("Location of AR Tables")
sfqApplication.SetINIValue(iniFile, "Custom Settings", "AR Location", location)
End If
If location <> String.Empty Then
For Each table As Table In sfqApplication.DataEngine.Tables
If table.Alias.Substring(0, 2) = "AR" Then
If value = "Y" Then
table.Location = location
table.Reportable = False
End If
End If
End If
Return True
End Function
See also
Application Object | GetRegistryValue | SetINIValue© Stonefield Software Inc., 2023 • Updated: 10/03/18
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