Stonefield Query Studio uses the following key for its Windows Registry settings:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Stonefield Software Inc.\Stonefield Query SDK

The following values exist under this key:

  • Last Reminder: the last time you were reminded that your Stonefield Query Studio software maintenance is about to expire.

  • Settings: some internal settings, stored in binary, that Stonefield Query Studio requires.

The following values exist under the CodeEditor subkey:

  • Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState: these contain the size and position of the code editor window the last time it was used so it can be displayed at the same size and position the next time. WindowState is 0 for normal, 1 for minimized, and 2 for maximized.

  • FontName, FontSize, and FontStyle: the font name, size, and style used for code editor windows.

The following values exist under the DD Explorer subkey:

  • Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState: these contain the size and position of the Stonefield Query Studio window the last time it was used so it can be displayed at the same size and position the next time.

  • ActiveTheme: the theme selected in Stonefield Query Studio.

  • Default Script Language: the default language for new scripts: 1 = Visual FoxPro, 2 = VBScript, 3 = JavaScript, 4 = VB.Net, and 5 = C#.

  • Enum List Split: the width of the first column in the Enumerated Values list in the Special page of the properties pane.

  • ListView FontName and ListView FontSize: the font name and size used for the Configuration settings list.

  • ListView Split: the width of the first column in the Configuration settings list.

  • NavBarButtonsShown: the number of bars displayed in the Microsoft Outlook-like control in Stonefield Query Studio.

  • SelectedPanel: not currently used in Stonefield Query Studio.

  • SortAlpha: N if fields are sorted in the physical order they appear in their tables or Y if they are sorted alphabetically.

  • SplitterPosition: the position of the splitter in Stonefield Query Studio.

Several values exist under the Registration subkey. These values come from the second page of the Registration form when the user fills this page in, and from the Email and Contact pages of the Options dialog under the Tools menu in Stonefield Query.

Stonefield Query Studio and the customized version of Stonefield Query share the following key for certain Windows Registry settings:


The following values exist under this key:

  • Language: the default language for Stonefield Query.

  • Last Project: the location of the project that was opened the last time Stonefield Query or Stonefield Query Studio was used so it can automatically be opened the next time.

  • SFQuery Location: this contains the location of SFQuery.EXE so the Launch Stonefield Query function can find it.

  • Keep Logs: this contains N to create a new Diagnostic.txt in the Data subdirectory of the Stonefield Query program folder on every run or Y to update the same file for each run.

  • Schedule Logs: this contains Y to create a separate diagnostic file for each scheduled task run or N to write to Diagnostic.txt instead.

The customized version of Stonefield Query uses the following key for its Windows Registry settings:


where CompanyName and ApplicationName are the values of the Company Name and Application Name configuration settings.

There are several subkeys under this:

  • About: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Stonefield Query About dialog, along with the width of the first column in the list of settings.

  • AskAtRuntime: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the ask-at-runtime dialog.

  • BatchReportWizard: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Batch Report Wizard.

  • CalcEditor: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Formula Editor.

  • CalcEditorGroup: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Grouping Formula dialog.

  • CalcFields: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Formulas dialog.

  • CalcFieldSecurity: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Formula Security dialog.

  • ChartPreview: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Chart Preview window.

  • ChartWizard: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Chart Wizard.

  • CodeEditor: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the code editor window (brought up in the Customize Wizard by right-clicking a code textbox and choosing Zoom).

  • CrossTabWizard: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Cross Tabulation Wizard.

  • CrystalViewer: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Crystal Reports preview window.

  • CustomizeWizard: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Customize Wizard.

  • Dashboards: this contains subitems that have the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of dashboard preview windows.

  • Dashboard Wizard: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Dashboard Wizard.

  • Data: this contains a value called DataSource that contains the data source the user used the last time they ran Stonefield Query. This value is used as the default the next time they run it.

  • Explorer: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Reports Explorer. It also has values for each expanded folder in the TreeView, the folder or report node selected when the user last exited Stonefield Query, the position of the splitter control, and the settings of the show only favorites, show only related tables, and sort alphabetically settings in Step 2 of the report wizards.

  • ExprBuilder: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Expression Builder.

  • ExternalWizard: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the External Report Wizard.

  • Filter: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Filter Condition dialog.

  • FindReports: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Find Reports dialog.

  • GaugeWizard: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Gauge Wizard.

  • LabelWizard: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Label Wizard.

  • NewsReader: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the News dialog, as well as CheckNews (Yes if the application should check for news once a day) and Last News (the date news was last checked).

  • Options: this contains several values:

    • AddAlias, Async, AsyncRecords, AutoUpdate, DateFormat, DefaultTemplate, DisplayProgress, FirstDay, PerformSums, PreviewInTabs, Snapshot, Subscription Reminder, UpdateDays, and WarnNoFilter contain the values of the appropriate settings in the Options dialog.

    • Import Directory contains the directory used the last time a report was imported or exported; this is used as the default the next time the user imports or exports a report.

    • LastUpdate contains the date of the last time Stonefield Query checked for an update.

    • NeedSetup is set to "Y" if for some reason Stonefield Query needs to run the Setup dialog the next time the user runs it (for example, the directory specified in CommonFiles no longer exists).

    • Output Directory and Output Type contain the directory and file type used the last time a report was output to a file; these are used as defaults the next time the user outputs a report to file.

    • Settings contains some internal settings, stored in binary, that Stonefield Query requires.

    • Template Import Directory contains the directory used the last time a template was imported or exported; this is used as the default the next time the user imports or exports a template.

    • UserName contains the user name the user entered the last time they logged into Stonefield Query.

  • Preview: this contains the Height, Left, Top,, Width, and WindowState of the Preview window.

  • Properties: this contains the Height, Left, Top,, Width, and WindowState of the Field Properties dialog.

  • Query: this contains the Height, Left, Top,, Width, and WindowState of the Filters dialog as well as whether it is automatically set to display "more."

  • QuickWizard: this contains the Height, Left, Top,, Width, and WindowState of the Quick Report Wizard.

  • Registration: these values come from the second page of the Registration form when the user fills this page in, and from the Email and Contact pages of the Options dialog under the Tools menu in Stonefield Query.

  • ScheduledTasks: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Scheduled Tasks dialog.

  • Scheduler: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Schedule Wizard.

  • Screen: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Advanced Report Designer window.

  • SelectEmail: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the Select Email Address dialog.

  • Studio: this only exists on a development machine on which Stonefield Query Studio is installed, as it contains the key for the selected node and the expanded state of each node in each section of Stonefield Query Studio for this project.

  • Subreport: this contains the Height, Left, Top, Width, and WindowState of the SubReports Wizard.

  • Templates: this contains the Height, Left, Top,, Width, and WindowState of the Template Editor.

  • Users: this contains the Height, Left, Top,, Width, and WindowState of the Maintain Users and Groups dialog.

© Stonefield Software Inc., 2023 • Updated: 09/18/18
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