The DataEngine object provides the data-handling component for Stonefield Query. It contains a data dictionary, exposed to the rest of the application as collections of AppView, Database, Field, Join, and Table objects.


All properties are read-only except IncludeJoinsInWhere and PerformJoins.

NameData TypeDescription
AppViewsObjectA reference to the AppViews collection.
DatabasesObjectA reference to the Databases collection.
ErrorMessageStringThe text of any error that occurs.
ExcludeConditionsObjectA reference to the FilterConditions collection containing exclusion conditions.
FieldsObjectA reference to the Fields collection.
FilterConditionsObjectA reference to the FilterConditions collection containing filter conditions.
IncludeJoinsInWhereBooleanIndicates whether joins are included in the WHERE clause. This corresponds to the Include Joins in the WHERE Clause configuration setting but allows it to be changed programmatically.
JoinsObjectA reference to the Joins collection.
PerformJoinsBooleanIndicates whether Stonefield Query performs joins. This corresponds to the Stonefield Query Performs Joins configuration setting but allows it to be changed programmatically.
QuerySplitBooleanTrue if the query is being split into separate tables; Stonefield Query sometimes needs to do that, such as when the query references a virtual table.
TablesObjectA reference to the Tables collection.
UserCancelledBooleanTrue if the user clicked Cancel when prompted for a parameter value.


AddToFavoritesAdds a table or field to the Favorites table.
AddToFieldsAdds fields to the SELECT clause of a SQL statement.
AddToWhereAdds a condition to the WHERE clause of a SQL statement.
CancelReportStops the run of a report.
GetFieldsFromSQLStatementReturns a collection of field names used in a SQL statement.
GetTablesFromSQLStatementReturns a collection of table names used in a SQL statement.
GetValuesForFieldPrompts the user for the value of a field.
GetValuesForParameterPrompts the user for the value of a stored procedure parameter.
GetWhereFromSQLStatementReturns the WHERE clause of a SQL statement.
ODBCFilterToLocalFilterConverts ODBC filter conditions to local conditions in the specified SQL statement.

See also

Application Object | Databases Collection | Fields Collection | FilterConditions Collection | Joins Collection | Tables Collection

© Stonefield Software Inc., 2023 • Updated: 04/14/21
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